부기사 - 전국 부동산 매물 정보 공유 플랫폼

by bugisa

House & Home


From auction information to actual transaction price data, easily check nationwide real estate information and manage properties efficiently.# Real-time map-based property search - Nationwide listing and actual transaction price data at a glance!# Providing auction information - Easily check the latest auction information.# Convenient delivery of property advertisements - Send your listing ad with one click.# Mobile and PC optimization - Smart real estate management accessible anytime, anywhereCheck out nationwide real estate listing information with Bookkeeper.#Inquiries and error reportsIf you have any questions, please contact us at the email address below.- [email protected]#Information on service access rights* Optional access rights- Location: Find your location on a map based on your current location- Files and media: Attach files when registering a property, register attached files on the bulletin board- Camera and photo: Register photo of property, register profile image